Piles of Photos

Published by the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, in cooperation with the Foundation for New Actions, supported by the Capital City of Warsaw.

"Piles of Photos" is not a typical photo album. The pile is a composed narrative, intended for simultaneous viewing and reading. Łukasz Chotkowski's texts point to transformational, political, and social issues that Zbigniew Libera observed. "Piles of Photos" exists between reality and imagination.

The book presents selected works from Zbigniew Libera's archive, created from the 1960s to the present day. It includes photos published for the first time, photos created specifically for this publication, and those widely known.

Libera, the one from Auschwitz and Lego bricks – and the world.

Terrifying, untrue, from dreamlike visions. Happening for real.

Truer than true.

Hanna Krall

One of the iconic figures of the artistic scene, a radical and underground artist. The Cold War, which he declared against a society resistant to self-analysis already in the 1980s, continues... Yet the methods of its conduct have changed. Provocation has been replaced by surgically precise analysis of representation methods and the mechanisms of stereotype formation and reinforcement. This position cannot be overlooked. Libera will liberate your gaze.

Joanna Mytkowska

Łukasz Chotkowski (born 1981)

Playwright, screenwriter, director, author of theoretical texts. A graduate of the Warsaw Academy of Theater, where he currently teaches directing. He worked as the chief playwright at the Polish Theater in Bydgoszcz (2006-2014), co-author of stage scripts for performances, including those of Mai Kleczewska, Paweł Łysak. Director of, among others, plays "About Animals" based on Elfriede Jelinek, "Desire" based on Sarah Kane, "Weavers," "Now," "Aristocrats" (Komuna Warszawa), a Polish-Indian co-production of "NO Fear" (IAM/Teatr Powszechny Warsaw/Kashba Kolkata). He conducted dramaturgical and directorial workshops at theater schools, universities, and theaters, including in Delhi and Kolkata (India), Lviv (Ukraine), University of New Mexico (USA). The author of interviews with Elfriede Jelinek (published in "Dwutygodnik" and in collective works), texts printed in "Dialog", the book "Masculinity" (2019), adaptations, and stage scripts for over thirty theater performances.